What is this warning?

California passed a law that names about 900 chemicals commonly used in every day household products -- in additives, ingredients in food, pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics in manufacturing processes, and in many other items -- and requires companies, using even very small amounts of these chemicals, to place a warning label on their products. It is commonly referred to as Prop 65 and is a consumer “right-to-know” law.

On our packaging it is labeled with a bright yellow triangle and a “Prop 65” warning about certain chemicals. If you live in California, you see these often, but if you live in other states you may be just seeing it for the first time.

The presence of the warning label does not mean that these products are necessarily harmful.  Rather, in many cases it means companies have chosen to post the label to comply with Prop 65 and provide a warning out of the utmost caution. We believe our products are not harmful when operated as they are designed.

I don’t live in California. Why is it on my box?

Our product packaging is designed for every state, including California. Since our products are sold throughout the U.S., a warning label is placed on the packaging to ensure we are complying with California Prop 65.

In California, you usually can’t walk into a building or shop in a store without seeing numerous Prop 65 warnings. However, it may not appear ordinary to consumers living outside of California. So, to ensure you get all of the information, we’ve created this brief FAQ for you.

Where can I get more information?

Please visit the following information sources:

California OEHHA Proposition 65 Warnings Website

California Proposition 65 in Plain Language

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