How to set up Wi-Fi for Air-conditioner and Dehumidifier using TCL SmartLife - SmartHome App

Ensure while setting up the WIFI on your air conditioner and dehumidifier, that it is close to your router, as the unit requires a good signal during the setup process. Your air conditioner is designed to be connected to a 2.4ghz network, and the connection is set up using the TCL "SmartLife-SmartHome" app by ACSmart or TUYA which is also available on the Google Play or Apple store. 

Note:  2023 or newer devices are not compatible with this app.   Those devices require the TCL Home App.

Wi-Fi set up for Air-conditioner and Dehumidifier
Controlling your AC with Wi-Fi-enabled
Controlling your Dehumidifier with Wi-fi enabled
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